Compliance Standards Announces a New Advertising and Marketing Campaign

IT professionals will have an opportunity to learn about effective asset management through "The ITAD Academy 2023". This program aims to equip IT leaders and managers with knowledge on proper IT asset disposition practices.

The ITAD Academy 2023

Compliance Standards LLC, an ITAD advising firm, recently unveiled its ambitious advertising and marketing project, “The ITAD Academy 2023”.

With the goal of bringing awareness to ITAD, Compliance Standards launched its new campaign led by Principal Analyst, David Daoud. According to him, ITAD “has long been ignored and efforts by leading ITAD service providers to elevate the industry remain largely ineffective.” 

The ITAD Academy has three main goals:

  1. To equip IT leaders and managers with the knowledge of how to properly dispose of IT assets.
  2. Showcasing the products and services of premier service providers.
  3. To assist ITAD companies in presenting their services to enterprise IT directors.

The initiative is designed to help educate IT administrators and executives to understand best practices in IT asset disposition, as well as connecting these professionals with leading ITAD companies. A statement released by the company further outlines the objectives for this project.

Multi-Faceted Outreach

Based on the findings of Compliance Standard’s research, it is evident that in order for ITAD service providers and best practices to be successful, they must be promoted through professional media. Decision makers are not just relying on the recommendations from ITAD providers, they are also turning to publications and media sources to gain knowledge on how to properly manage IT assets.

“Our research indicates that the industry has to be more proactive to educate corporate users in the sensitive areas of data security, the environment and so many other key functions important to companies,” he said. “We hope this initiative will start the process of standardizing and centralizing knowledge on ITAD practices.” 

To reach a broad audience of CIOs, IT managers, and procurement officers, Compliance Standards LLC is teaming up with prominent media outlets for the upcoming year. Through the next four quarters, different media sources will be utilized to ensure that a wide range of IT decision makers are reached.

To achieve these desired goals, four different marketing techniques will be implemented by the organization:

  1. Lead Capture Platform from Compliance Standards.
  2. Brand Promotion associated with ITAD Leadership from Compliance Standards.
  3. Publishing from Compliance Standards.
  4. Direct Messaging and Promotion.

The campaign “will be rolled out on a quarterly basis, with sponsors offered the opportunity to contribute to any campaign’s length to accommodate the go-to-market strategy, budget and other requirements,” the press release confirmed. 

Upcoming Campaign Presentation

As part of the preparations for the upcoming campaign, Compliance Standards has arranged a Zoom conference call on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 2:00 PM eastern time. The main focus of the call will be Principal Analyst David Daoud’s presentation on ITAD Customers’ Paths towards Purchase and Buyers’ Touch Points. During this meeting, Mr. Daoud will use research as a guide for positioning the campaign in accordance with buyers’ experiences.

Compliance Standards LLC is a premier advisory firm focusing exclusively on the IT Asset Disposition sector. The company’s services cover a broad range, from conducting research and analyzing buyer and user behavior in the ITAD field, as well as analyzing competition and market conditions. 

The organization is excited for this new advertising and marketing project to officially launch.