Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations Uses Carbon Tracking Tool to Stay Ahead on ESG

Wisconsin ITAD firm links its electronics recycling and repurposing activities to decarbonization.

DLI Releases Carbon Calculator

Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations Inc., an Onalaska, Wisconsin-based processor, has recently taken a critical step towards reducing Scope 3 emissions with the introduction of its new carbon calculator. The calculator is intended to make it easier and less uncertain for clients to estimate emissions avoided through ITAD and electronic scrap recycling services. Additionally, DLI has released its inaugural Environmental Social Governance (ESG) report.

“As an electronics and materials lifecycle management company, we understand that ESG is embedded into who we are,” the CEO of Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations, Miles Harter, stated in the press release. 

“We also recognize the importance of understanding ESG risks and opportunities to support our customers’ evolving needs amid the transition to a low carbon, circular global economy,” he added. 

An Accessible Customer Portal

The emissions that fall within the Scope 3 category are not directly produced by a company itself, but instead created from other entities across its material value chain.

As a part of its service, Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations offers a customer portal where users can access an up-to-date calculation of carbon savings. This assessment details how much Scope 3 emissions could be potentially avoided, depending on raw material inputs, processing types and commodities being used.

“This tool demonstrates the company’s commitment to offering the easiest-to-use, most accurate solution in the industry with several distinct advantages, including calculations for 29 categories of e-waste, comprising both whole units and component parts,” the ITAD firm states.

Collaboration Involved to Develop the Calculator

The calculator has been developed using both the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism e-scrap recycling calculations, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Framework. To verify its accuracy, Amsterdam-based Morningstar Sustainalytics conducted a methodology validation process.

Dynamic also sought the assistance of Bloom ESG to make the calculator a reality. The firm had a goal of supplying “tangible data that showcases what our company does to help protect the planet and our customers’ interests.” 

“Our customers can be confident in achieving their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals with the carbon calculator’s comprehensive picture of potential avoided Scope 3 emissions resulting from their partnership with Dynamic,” Curt Greeno, the president of Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations commented.

“We’re dedicated to continued alignment with our clients’ values, initiatives and reporting requirements with our innovative approach to ESG.”

ESG Report Revealed

Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations has also recently unveiled its first ESG report. The report seeks to implement higher standards for the firm’s 2023 ESG performance. This includes better tracking and reporting of related metrics, as well as construction of new objectives for success in terms of ESG considerations.

The company explained that it, “diligently developed to fully acknowledge the needs and values of our stakeholders, resulting in one of the most comprehensive, forward-thinking ESG reports in the industry.”

The reporting was conducted based on procedures outlined by both the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Considerations included environmental and social impacts, its governance plan, as well as ESG performance metrics and indices.

Additional information about Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, as well as a demonstration of its carbon calculator can be found here