ERI’s Co-Founder Leads Panel at i-SIGMA Conference & Expo 2023

Aaron Blum articulates cutting-edge developments in the IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) and electronics recycling sector.

i-SIGMA Conference

At the i-SIGMA Conference & Expo in Las Vegas, Aaron Blum, Co-Founder and Chief Operating & Compliance Officer of ERI, showcased his expertise in cybersecurity and IT asset disposition as a featured panelist.

Industry experts from diverse fields convene each year at this exclusive gathering that focuses on records/information lifecycle management and data destruction. Professionals attend this event to learn best business practices relevant to secure information governance and management.

Advances Within the ITAD Sector

A panel called “ITAD Innovations” featured a discussion with four leading industry experts on IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) and electronics recycling. Participants included Renee Pryor of Shred-X, Mike Hillstrand from Shred-Tech, Daniel Krines of Iron Mountain, and Blum.

The conversation provided insight into what’s happening now in the field, as well as predictions for its future trajectory. During the event, Blum stressed transparent data destruction management practices while tracking and reporting on relevant processes. He also discussed how technological advances have influenced responsible data destruction protocols.

“As an AAA-certified NAID organization ourselves, it has been an honor and privilege to have our co-founder Aaron Blum share the stage with these esteemed industry colleagues and professionals and our great long-time friends at i-SIGMA to relay the latest insights with the audience this year,” said John Shegerian, ERI’s Chairman and CEO.  

“It’s rewarding for ERI that we are able to share what we know and what we’ve learned with other thought leaders, discussing the critical importance of effective and responsible data destruction.”

NAID Certification & i-SIGMA

NAID has earned a reputable standing as the top organization overseeing secure shredding operators, thanks to its rigorous certification process often referred to as the “gold standard” in data destruction.

Along with other divisions, NAID is part of the International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA), which advocates for proper governance and regulatory compliance in information lifecycle management.

The Origins of ERI

At the beginning, ERI was just an idea between John Shegerian and Aaron Blum. Shegerian stated that, “my partner Aaron Blum had started the concept in 2002 in another city under a different brand name. My other partner Kevin Dillon and I joined in 2004 after Aaron’s angel investor ran out of patience and capital. We restructured the company financially, rebranded it and moved its headquarters to Fresno, California.”

“In our first month of business we recycled 10,000 pounds of electronic waste — and wow, were we excited and proud!”

Fast forward to today, and ERI is now the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States. 

ERI Sets High Standards for the Industry

ERI is renowned in the U.S. for its comprehensive IT and electronics asset disposition programs, as well as hardware destruction services that prioritize cybersecurity. The company has received top-tier certifications from a range of environmental and data security regulators, allowing the organization to safely de-manufacture, recycle, and refurbish any type of electronic device in an “environmentally responsible manner.”

The firm is built to handle an incredible capacity of over one billion pounds of electronic waste across its nine certified facilities every year, providing service to every corner of the United States.

ERI is driven by a mission to “protect organizations, people, and the environment.

The Company’s Recent Successes

  • Carbon Neutrality

ERI is ever evolving, and constantly looks for ways to become more sustainable. A recent notable achievement is the organization’s carbon neural status.

“We’re incredibly proud to have voluntarily taken this critical next step in our ongoing mission to protect the planet,” John Shegerian, ERI’s Chairman and CEO, states. “As a company that has had waste and emissions reduction in its very DNA since our start, and as ERI assists other organizations to achieve their ESG and sustainability goals through responsible recycling of e-waste, we felt it was essential for us to undergo the process of achieving official carbon neutrality to further enhance our own operational environmental impact.”

  • Inclusivity

ERI has also added inclusivity to its list of accomplishments, as the firm has newly partnered with Opportunity Enterprises (OE) to provide specialized e-scrap recycling instruction for individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity Enterprises is an organization that focuses on providing inclusivity training to employers, and vocational training for employees of all abilities. Together, the two companies will be delivering 10- to 12-week long courses at ERI’s Plainfield, Ind. facility.

  • Partnership with a Major Retailer

Lastly, this month marks the launch of Best Buy’s new Technology Recycling Box program, which allows customers to recycle outdated electronics easily.

Consumers are now able to purchase specially designed boxes from the popular retailer, which are then used for shipping scrap electronics to ERI for recycling.

ERI will undoubtedly continue to surprise the industry with whatever the future holds for ITAD giant.