ERI Develops into the Southwest

As the most comprehensive IT and electronics asset disposition provider in the US, ERI is dedicated to offering an extensive range of e-waste recycling services. Along with this, they also specialize in cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction.

ERI Holds Impressive Certifications

ERI is renowned in the industry for being a reliable source of electronic recycling and data destruction services. As the first organization to be certified by NAID, e-Stewards, and R2 at all of its facilities, ERI sets the highest possible standard for global e-recycling practices.

The company offers an extensive range of services such as commodities extraction, ITAD management solutions, Circular Economy engagement, safe data disposal, and logistics solutions to other recyclers who are dedicated to meeting sustainability objectives. More recycling organizations rely on ERI than any other firm in this sector.

To meet the rapid increase in consumer spending, which is predicted to double by 2030, ERI has developed 9 state-of-the-art e-waste recycling centers. These facilities process and responsibly recycle hundreds of millions of pounds of electronic waste each year. As electronic devices are now the fastest growing sector within the waste stream, ERI’s expansion is essential for reducing reliance upon resources, and creating new production models that work within the limits of Earth’s delicate ecosystems.

“ERI is proud to be the only ITAD company in the country that partners not only with manufacturers and retailers, but with other recyclers as well – to jointly trailblaze the Circular Economy by closing the sustainability loop,” said John Shegerian, ERI’s co-founder, CEO and chairman.

Shegerian stated in a recent interview, “We know how important it is to recycling businesses of all sizes to be able to partner with a responsible, sustainable and fully certified electronics recycler and data destruction company they can trust,” he said. “ERI is standing by, available to help with all electronics recycling, ITAD, and sustainability needs.”

Goodyear, Arizona

ERI has expanded its reach to the southwest, with the grand opening of a processing facility just outside of Phoenix. This addition marks ERI’s ninth U.S. plant, and first in the southwest region. According to the company’s CEO, there are plans to add additional sites for recycling across the country.

In December, ERI opened the doors of its Goodyear, Ariz. recycling and ITAD facility with a soft launch. This leased space comes with an impressive 100,000 square feet, and is in a newly constructed building. The facility offers data destruction, reuse/refurbishment, and recycling capabilities.

“This is a very underserved market, is what we’re finding,” John Shegerian, stated in a recent interview. 

Within a span of about 100 days, Shegerian mentioned that three diverse clients reached out to ERI requesting the establishment of a processing facility nearby. He added that these companies had logistical problems which prompted them to seek aid for a local plant. Despite being completely unrelated companies, they conveyed similar messages to ERI.

Facility Capabilities

Shegerian revealed that a substantial $2 million has been invested into the Goodyear location. According to him, ERI plans to have 75 employees working in two shifts, or even a shift and a half within 12 months.

The facility is well-equipped with the most cutting-edge technology, but its usage is focused on the initial ITAD stream processing, rather than downstream shredding and separation of obsolete equipment. Unlike some of ERI’s other plants, this particular plant does not feature a massive shredding system or commodity-recovery robots.

In April 2022, ERI released its SOAR technology, a proprietary software with AI capabilities designed for processing incoming ITAD stream equipment. Then in December the company upgraded and refined the system. The Goodyear plant is currently using this advanced technology.

SOAR technology has enabled ERI to automate the process of capturing data from IT equipment and categorizing it into those suitable for reuse, and those requiring end-of-life dispositioning. A camera is used by a computer to scan the make and model of a given piece of equipment, which is then correlated with a database of over 13,000 SKUs. The result reveals whether it’s possible to sell the item or if it has reached its end of life.

“It’s improved production speeds, quality of service, quality of client happiness,” Shegerian said. ERI plans to automate the sorting steps with robots later this year, he said. 

Attaining Carbon Neutrality in Operations

ERI has proudly announced that the Goodyear plant, and all of its other sites across the globe, have officially gained a carbon neutral status for operational emissions.

Twelve months ago, ERI released its initial environmental, social and governance (ESG) and data security report outlining the company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) impact. At the time of publication, it was determined that the Scope 1 direct emissions associated with ERI’s capital goods, purchases of goods and services, and energy utilization amounted to 2.47 million pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Additionally, its Scope 2 and 3 indirect emissions, which incorporated upstream and downstream impacts, added up to 45.9 million pounds CO2e.

ERI’s vice president of communications and media relations, Paul Williams, stated that ERI is now carbon neutral for Scopes 1 and 2 emissions. “We are working with our partners and vendors to help them improve their own carbon footprint in an ongoing effort to be able to announce Scope 3 neutrality soon,” Williams said. 

In order to reduce its own carbon footprint, Shegerian explained that the company has taken steps such as using EVs, putting solar panels on company buildings, and investing in green power. To address any additional environmental impacts, ERI purchases carbon credits from, which diverts money towards projects specifically targeting reducing CO2 emissions.

“We’re the first recyclers on the planet in our space to be carbon neutral, and that means a lot to our clients. We know it does, they’ve told us so,” Shegerian said. Rather than aiming to gain a competitive edge, this initiative is more of an inspirational one, meant to encourage other companies, he commented.

Shegerian further stated, “This is not a Game of Thrones atmosphere when it comes to environmental services.” 

Projected Future Growth

ERI, based in Fresno, Calif., added its newest processing location with its Goodyear facility. This brings the organizations total up to nine locations within Fresno; Aurora, Colo.; Plainfield, Ind.; Holliston, Mass.; Badin, N.C.; Lincoln Park, N.J.; Flower Mound, Texas; Goodyear; AZ and Sumner, Wash. Additionally, there are branch offices located in Columbus Ohio; New York City; and Raleigh N.C.

Currently, Shegerian stated that ERI is on a mission to find an appropriate site in the Southeast area of the United States for its next recycling plant. This facility will be equipped with a colossal shredding and sorting system like those used in Fresno, Plainfield, and Holliston locations.

Image Courtesy of ERI

By early 2024, it is expected that an announcement concerning a new southeast location for ERI will be made.

Aiming to better meet the needs of its global customers, ERI is currently in the process of establishing a recycling facility outside the United States as well. According to company officials, its anticipated that this ambitious project should be completed within eighteen months.

ERI Remains Confident in an Era of Apprehension

Shegerian was confident in the face of uncertainty, expressing that ERI had no worries about expanding the business despite growing fears of recession. He stated there were no apprehensions regarding investing money to build a larger presence for the company.

“We don’t believe there’s going to be a recession, No. 1. And No. 2, old electronics don’t watch Bloomberg or CNBC. They need to be recycled,” he said. 

Despite major disturbances, such as the Ukrainian conflict and restrictions instated due to the coronavirus pandemic, 2022 was a record year for ERI in terms of revenue and profit. Since then, China has lifted its “zero-COVID” regulations, commodity and ITAD prices have increased, and the company is on track to surpass the financial numbers from 2022.

Shegerian added, “We’re zero concerned about the nonsensical talk about recession,….because it’s all just noise.”

As a leader in the field, ERI has consistently demonstrated innovation, sustainability, and cybercrime prevention over the company’s lengthy tenure. With its 18-year track record of success, ERI has become renowned for safeguarding individuals, the environment, and protecting confidential information in ways that are allowing them to be an exemplary force in the industry. The future remains bright for ERI, with hopes to inspire other companies to follow its powerful lead.